my itsie bitsie life

all about me. my everyday life. random thoughts. my rant and rave. frustrations. wishes and dreams.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

not going out today.

ok, so i slept at 2am a while ago, talking to miguel on the phone. i had to put down the phone coz of my dad... was so annoying....ugh! that's the mainreason why i dont want to use phone at night... i always get embarassed. i mean im old enough to do what i want... anyways, he's a nice guy... a typical hiphop ..based from his story. he does weed. got two kids but he never gets married. he likes 2pac- he's the bomb according to him..hehe...well, im trying to recall what he said last night coz i was kindda out of my mind... well, he told me that he worked as a trainer i got intimidated of him, coz he speaks english so well! plus with his accent, great voice...told him he should work as a disc jockey. so, he did the talking and i was just listening to him the whole time...agreeing to what he says, he tries to compare philippines and west coast...he's funny..he actually knows how to talk to conservative people like me.. =)

i dreamt about my sister....the doctor said that my sister has a disease and she's going to die soon.we had to put her to the tomb eventhough she's still was weird. i was actually crying already. i realized that it was just a bad dream.


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